People generally know the three primary colors, name blue, red, and yellow, as primary colors because when mixing the primary colors, they get other colors, sometimes mixing red and yellow to get orange, blue, and yellow will get green leaves.

Normally when referring to yellow Many people will think of rice grains, ripe bananas, swamps, and the setting sun. Spring leaves, tennis ball colors, tulip flowers, sunflowers, urine paint, yellow McDonald's letter M or traffic lights, marigolds, pineapples, corn or spaghetti, etc.
In ancient times, Indians believed that Clothed in yellow will be protected from demons. Widows are often painted yellow. so as not to disturb the spirit of the husband's Bride in India, six days before the wedding ceremony, wear a yellow sari to prevent the invasion of evil spirits.
From the point of view of a psychologist, Yellow is a color that encourages people to use wisdom and to learn. Therefore, yellow is the color of scientists and the color of science faculties at various educational institutions because it is believed to be the color of intelligence, knowledge, determination, determination, and quick thinking. but at the same time, Yellow also indicates treachery, cowardice, and often deceit. In addition, psychologists have found that lonely people cannot communicate with anyone.
If he saw yellow The influence of color on the healing of the mind will make him understand the minds of others around him better. And this is one of the roles of color in mental therapy. because found Seeing yellow makes a person feel happy, and bright, like a sunflower facing the sun, so yellow brings hope to many mentally ill people.
In art, we can see painters using a variety of yellows, such as indigo yellow, dark yellow, light yellow, lemon yellow, or moon yellow. During the Renaissance, painters often portrayed women with blonde hair. because in the eyes of men A woman with light yellow hair looks sexy. This can be seen in Boticelli's Birth of Venus and Primavera paintings, and it was Venus' beauty that caused Italian women of the day to dye their hair blonde.
Today, many psychiatrists believe that Color influences the mind. and its role in helping to support the minds of the sick in the fight against disease especially mental illness And color influences the smell of the nose, according to R. A. Osterbauer of the University of Oxford in England. studied the functioning of the brain while seeing color and smelling using the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique
Take pictures of the brain while receiving information. And he found that when he had his students smell lemon, strawberry, and mint, which were normally yellow, red, and brown, respectively if he experimented with smelling lemon, And the lemons that students saw appeared to be yellow, the olfactory nerves in the brain were more integrated than the case when the students smelled lemons. But the lemons seen were red, so Osterbauer concluded that color influences the perception of a smell.
and the last one is Thai idioms that say Seeing a man in a yellow cloth, which means getting merit when parents see their son ordained As there is a story in the book of Subin Klon, pray that Subin has a sinner's mother. One day, trying to get the death god to bring his mother to punish him and dump it into the cauldron of hell. But when she thought of her son who was ordained as a novice, a golden lotus rose to welcome her. and all the fires of hell were extinguished. This idiom is sometimes used to refer to the island of the yellow cloth.